About Us
Tony Casas:
Tony Casas is a Web Designer / Creative Director for Stanton Street from El Paso Texas. He is a loving husband to his best friend in the world. He is in love with all things artificially flavored banana and into Curb Your Enthusiasm as well as The Office. He’s a geek and is probably either hungry, thirsty, sleepy, or suffering from a headache.
If you’d like to get in contact with Tony, you can either follow @tonycasas on twitter or email him directly at casasfumando “at” gmail.com

Tony Casas
Daniel T. (a.k.a. Dalamscius) is an IT Professional from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He enjoys cigars, scuba diving, hockey, fishing, nature and anything that challenges his mind. If he’s not sitting on his big comfy couch or at work you can usually find him in a boat on top of the water or 100ft under the water enjoying a dive. He is engaged to a wonderful Fiance and looking forward to his wedding. Feel free to contact Daniel anytime via email (dalamscius[at]gmail[dot]com). And make sure to follow him on twitter http://twitter.com/Dalamscius
Jeremy Hensley:
Jeremy Hensley is a bean counter for a non-profit in El Paso, Texas. He is married to the most understanding wife (he still can’t figure out how she puts up with his cigar smoking hobby), and blessed with two beautiful children. When he is not acting like a kid, he enjoys everything outdoors, especially fishing with his dad in the Great Lakes. Also, he meets the criteria of being a Casa Fumando reviewer: being a hockey fan. Feel free to contact Jeremy anytime via email (jmhensley13[at]gmail[dot]com)