Cigar Reviews
Monthly Recap – April 2015 – Jeremy Hensley Edition
At the start of 2014, I began tracking each and every cigar I have smoked. Well, I may have missed one or two. Based on discussions I’ve seen on Twitter and questions on this site and others, I decided to compile some information that I thought you might find interesting.
April 2015 Recap
Number of Cigars Smoked: 21
Of those smoked:
- Purchased: 7 or 33%
- Gifted: 5 or 24%
- Samples Provided: 9 or 43%
Of those purchased:
- Brick & Mortar: 5 or 71%
- Online: 2 or 29%
The Piper Corner
I have been trying my hand in the pipe world for the last 9 months or so. While I am not quite ready to publish a review , I wanted to share with you a few of the tobaccos I have been enjoying lately. This month I experimented with some of the top selling bulk tobaccos on the market. To be honest, the #1 bulk tobacco, Lane 1Q, did nothing for me, but I have found some impressive bulk tobaccos that run just a few dollars an ounce.
- Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake
- Blend: Virginia
- Tobaccos: Virginia
I found the Luxury Twist Flake to offer a similar profile as the Dunhill Flake that I featured in this section last month but at half the cost. Good stuff!
- Dunhill Early Morning by Scandinavian Tobacco Group
- Blend: English
- Tobaccos: Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, and Virginia
- Dunhill Nightcap by Scandinavian Tobacco Group
- Blend: English
- Tobaccos: Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Perique and Virginia
The Dunhill Early Morning and Dunhill Nightcap deliver similar flavors, with a bit more spice found in the Nightcap. However, I find the Early Morning to be fuller smoke than the Nightcap, which surprised me. I assume the Early Morning is designed to give you the kick you need to begin your day, while the Nightcap strength is on the mild side so you are not up all night with a racing heart from the nicotine.
Cigar Reviews
Headlines First Edition Page 3
After smoking three First Editions for this review, I found myself enjoying the cigar more and more each time. The core flavors are dark and heavy, but the sweetness cuts through bringing a nice balance to the smoke. I would recommend smoking this cigar after a full meal due to its strength and richness making it a nice after dinner smoke.
Global Premium Cigars – 1502 Nicaragua
Between the rich cedar, complimented by a medium spice and natural tobacco sweetness, full flavors, full body, and medium-high strength, this cigar hit my palate just right. For a price of $6.50, the 1502 Nicaragua is one of my favorite smokes this year!
Jordan Alexander III Premium Cigar Co. – Jordan Alexander III
The Jordan Alexander III Corojo delivered a flavor and strength profile not typically thought of when Dominican cigars are mentioned. Full flavors and a medium-full body characterized this Quesada made cigar. There where some change-ups noted with dry cedar highlighting the first third, while deep earth notes were showcased in the second and final third of the cigar
Tony’s Reviews
I’ve been impressed with all the cigars under the La Jugada brand, and the Nunchuck just added to the list. The cigar is decently complex, bold, and finished smooth and creamy without the strength overpowering the experience which is exactly what I look for in a cigar. Again, it’s a bit of a gimmick, and the price point is up there, but this was a fun cigar, and a damn good one.
No doubt about it the Quesada Reserva Privada rocked. Lately, in my opinion, Quesada has been hitting home runs ever time it steps up to the plate but the Reserva Privada is on a whole new level. I am not big on Connecticut shade cigars as I’ve stated numerous times in the past but this cigar is in a league of it’s own and easily the best Connecticut wrapped cigar I have ever had the pleasure of smoking.
The Epicurean Carnavale is a good cigar. It produces some great flavors, and a great experience. It’s not as complex as I was hoping for, and that’s probably my only gripe about it, but that falls on the subjective side as the cigar preformed flawlessly. I love the format, and the quality of the construction was perfect. I think this cigar is perfect for someone who likes solid smokes, and doesn’t normally reach for the more complex cigars
Selected Tobacco – Bandolero Bravo
All in all it’s a good cigar. Life changing? No, but it’s bold flavors and unique profile made me really enjoy the time I spent with it. I couldn’t quite find an exact price for these cigars, but in all honesty, leave out the cost for the humitube and I’d probably carry quite a few of these on hand for those nights when I am craving something a bit different.
Guest Reviews by Jeff Oda
I did not have any re-lights, and the flavors, while not terribly complex, did have some nice transitions, while smoking cool and without harshness all the way down to the nub. After the initial lifting of the cap, careful handling gave me no further problems. I am intrigued enough to want to check out the smaller ring gauges to see what they would have to offer, although this experience would be a warning to me that the gordo would probably be a bit too much cigar – in terms of time, not strength – for me.