Cigar Reviews
Monthly Recap – January 2014 – Jeremy Hensley Edition
I’ve been fighting a mean cold this past week so I was unable to work on a review. However, I decided to do things a little different around here this week. Each month, if all goes as planned, I will post a recap of the cigars and other FUN FACTS of the prior month.
At the start of 2014, I began tracking each and every cigar, well I may have missed one or two, that I have smoked. Based on discussions I’ve seen on Twitter and questions on this site and others I have come across, I decided to compile some information that I thought you might find interesting.
Monthly Recap – January 2014
Number of Cigars Smoked: 43
Of those smoked:
- Purchased: 29 or 68%
- Gifted: 10 or 23%
- Samples Provided: 4 or 9%
Of those purchased:
- Brick & Mortar: 21 or 72%
- Online: 8 or 28%
Top Cigars Smoked by Quantity
#1. J. Fuego – Sangre De Toro (Original): 4
#2. Joya De Nicaragua – Rosalones (Consul): 3
Both the cigars above are value-priced sticks making them easy on the wallet. Even though they are inexpensive, I HIGHLY recommend both of them. Shoot, the Rosalones even made by Top Cigars of 2013, coming in at the number 10 spot.
Most Memorable Cigars Smoked
#1. Drew Estate – Liga Privada No. 9
#2. My Father Cigars – El Centurion
#3. Drew Estate – Nica Rustica: This cigar just continues to grow on me each time I smoke it. Check out Tony’s review here.
#4. Quesada – Oktoberfest 2013: This cigar has stepped up its game from the 2012 release.
The number 1 and 2 were smoked on my 27th birthday. So, my ranking may be a bit swayed since I was enjoying one heck of an evening with close friends and family when I smoked them. Even my dad came in from Michigan for the weekend. But at the end of the day, aren’t cigars all about the experience anyways?
Cigars Reviewed
Ventura Cigar Company – Estilo Cubano
Espinosa Premium Cigars – 601 La Bomba Warhead
Rodrigo Cigars – Boutique Blend
Well, I hope you enjoyed my first “Monthly Recap” and I hope to expand on this in the coming months. I would appreciate any suggestions that you have to make this post more informative. I should be back at it next Friday with a full review.
ALSO, congrats to both Bill and Joe who have been notified about winning our latest contest for a sampler pack from Felix Assouline Cigars. Your samplers should be on the way soon and for those who did not win, we have more contests coming soon!
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