Cigar Reviews
Siboney Reserve by Aganorsa Leaf, a Famous Smoke Shop Exclusive
An old Cuban cigar brand gained new life with the recent release of the Siboney Reserve by Aganorsa Leaf. In August 2019, Famous Smoke Shop announced the latest partnership with Aganorsa in the creation of this Cuban-Esque style cigar. Terrence Reilly of Aganorsa Leaf stated in the press release:
We wanted to create a blend that capture the elegance and style of classic Cuban Cigars. Covered in our finest Corojo 99 wrapper from Jalapa, Siboney Reserve is rich in flavor, complex, and balances with a subtle sweetness. It’s a cigar for those who crave old-world flavor and aroma.
Handmade in Nicaragua by Aganorsa Leaf, the cigar utilizes all Nicaraguan tobaccos sourced from Aganorsa farms. The cigar was introduced in four sizes including Lonsdale (6 by 44), Rothschild (4 1/2 by 48), Robusto (5 1/4 by 50), and Toro (6 by 52). Packaged in boxes of 10, the cigars will run you between $7.00 to $8.50.
You can purchase the Siboney Reserve by Aganorsa Leaf from our good friends at Famous Smoke Shop.
Price: $7.00
Vitola: Lonsdale
Size: 6 by 44
Wrapper: Nicaragua Corojo 99 Jalapa
Binder: Proprietary Nicaragua
Filler: Proprietary Nicaragua
Smoke Time: 1 Hour and 35 Minutes
The Siboney Reserve is dressed in a medium brown Nicaraguan Corojo 99 Jalapa wrapper that has tons of dark watermarkings. There are some veins and bumps on the wrapper leaf but, to the touch, the cigar feels crazy smooth. The cigar is firmly rolled with a couple of indentations.
A strong chicken coop aroma emits from the wrapper. A more subtle aroma comes across from the foot of the cigar with notes of cedar, manure, chocolate, and pepper. The draw has more resistance than preferred and my palate is met with cold draw flavors similar to those from the foot.
A sweet tobacco provides a nice opening to the Siboney Reserve. The sweetness is followed by a combination of wood and earth. The sweetness backsoff as the cigar warms up. There is a mild pepper flavor on the palate, but, the pepper really pops in both flavor and spice heat as I retrohale the smoke. The filler tobaccos are burning quicker than the wrapper requiring a touch-up.
Into the second third, the flavors are balanced and harmonizing well. I am still able to identify the individual flavors as they form into a wonderful bouquet on the palate. The sweetness moves in waves and, combined with the pepper, is keeping me fully engaged. Even though the flavors are only hoovering in the medium range, there is a bit more strength than I would have expected.
The final third of the Siboney Reserve shows a transition in the wood flavor to more of dry pencil shavings. The darker flavors move forward with the earth and pepper playing a a more dominant role. A yeasty flavor develops as I near the end of the cigar. An edgy burn in the final third makes one more touch-up necessary before I close it out.
My experience with Cuban cigars is limited to say the least. So I cannot say if the Siboney Reserve is Cuban-Esque or not. But I can say I enjoyed this cigar from the first light to final puff. The medium profile delivered a well rounded profile primarily of wood, earth, shifting sweetness, and pepper. A little bit of strength sneaks up on you with the Siboney Reserve. Just enough to get put you in a relaxed state of mind. This is a great cigar that I highly recommend.